If you ask any EV Driver, the number one concern they have is range anxiety. It doesn’t happen often for most but when it does, it’s a nerve wrenching experience. That’s why we’re happy to announce that, ChargePoint has integrated its service with Apple CarPlay. This will bring EV charging data inside the vehicle and allows drivers to access charging…
Going Green with NJ Transit December 11th, 2020 | George Koutsouradis NJ Transit has announced their 10 year plan of renovations and revolutions, and the best part? It’s all got a sustainable edge to it! Meeting the demands of the Governor’s EMP, they plan on electrifying their bus fleet and redesigning their depots to meet the sustainable needs of EV Buses. See for yourself the incredible changes in the works with…
NJ Transit has announced their 10 year plan of renovations and revolutions, and the best part? It’s all got a sustainable edge to it! Meeting the demands of the Governor’s EMP, they plan on electrifying their bus fleet and redesigning their depots to meet the sustainable needs of EV Buses. See for yourself the incredible changes in the works with…
The 8 Most Anticipated EV Trucks to Come Out by 2022 December 4th, 2020 | George Koutsouradis While 2020 has been a roller coaster of a year for many people and industries, one constant has been the progress of Electric Vehicles, their charging stations, and the future impact they have on this world. The EVs that are currently out disrupt the market in small but noticeable ways. However, when EV trucks come to the market, there’s no…
While 2020 has been a roller coaster of a year for many people and industries, one constant has been the progress of Electric Vehicles, their charging stations, and the future impact they have on this world. The EVs that are currently out disrupt the market in small but noticeable ways. However, when EV trucks come to the market, there’s no…